
Hypertension , also known  as high blood pressure , is quite common amongst men  than women . It is a disorder that most people  suffer from but are unaware .  People who suffer from hypertension are more vulnerable to stress . Their mind is too hyperactive and keep on working or thinking , with the result that they find very less time to relax . If their hypertension is not controlled  in the beginning they may find it hard to get over it . The sooner they start the better it is for them . There can be several causes for hypertension . The most common being stress and sometimes even  wrong  eating habits . Hypertension can sometimes be hereditary even  . It can be passed on  from one generation  to another . Lots of researches were conducted on hypertension to find out the real reason and the symptoms concerned with it .

A research have conducted a few years back in USA on the diet of the people . It was seen that who adopt a vegetarian diet are less prone to  hypertension than meat eaters , many  vegetables have a lot of  potassium calcium and magnesium in them . It was also been seen that a lot of herbs are also helpful in controlling hypertension one of the most famous herbs is Garlic . Garlic and Vitamin C help in reducing Blood Pressure . A lot of foods rich with Vitamin C would help and also the intake of capsules will help in controlling the systolic & diastolic Blood Pressure . If an access of Vitamin C is taken , diarrhea may develop in some individuals .
It may even delete some essential nutrients of the body . So in order to avoid all these , a proper doze of vitamin C should be taken . this depends upon the extent of hypertension a person is experiencing . Green tea also help in lowering high blood pressure . This is extremely safe . However if you have too much of green tea , then due to too much of caffeine you may face problems like insomnia , anxiety , restlessness & other symptoms even . Some individuals who are sensitive may experience heartburn and flatulence .
Blood pressure is actually the force that is exerted against the artery walls as blood is carried through the circulatory system . It is relation to the heart,s pumping activity and is measured in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) . The top number is so called systolic pressure  is the pressure that occurs when the heart contracts or beats .

The bottom number or diastolic  pressure so called is the measurement of the pressure between the beat when the heart is resting . Remember systolic number is always placed over the diastolic number . To make it simpler lets quote an example 110/70 (read as 110 over 70 ) ; the systolic number is always higher  . Number blood pressure ranges from 120 / 80 or even 110 / 70 . Lower than this comes or falls in the low blood pressure .
Hypertension technically indicates high blood pressure  . A condition that is poorly understood extremely serious disorder , affecting approximately 1/3 of our society and of all age groups . If left untreated it can cause stress , heart attacks & kidney  disease & yet symptoms are not easy to spot . Middle-aged |&  elder people are more susceptible to  it . It can also be caused by extreme stress and anxiety . It is more common in men as compared to women . People who have a lot of salt intake in their diet are also prone to it . As salt rises the blood pressure .
People suffering from hypertension usually do not exhibit any symptoms; they often go undiagnosed until complications occur . In order to ovoid this a regular checking up of blood pressure  is required .

   Hypertension / High Blood Pressure indicates that the flow required for Blood is more than normal . In order know more about it let see what is normal blood pressure what is high blood pressure/hypertension . We all know that systolic B.P, under normal conditions  should be about 110/70 or 120/80 is ok . This shows that a person is safe this till now . While a blood pressure of 130/85 shows that a person has a little bit of high blood pressure. They should check-ups regularly . People with 140/90 ratio should have their regular checkups every two months . While people having a blood pressure ,  under the category of 160/100 should have a check up within a time span of one year . While people who have high blood pressure , systolic (that is the upper one ) 180 or above , should have their check-up done immediately or with in a week depending upon the clinical  situation .
There are several factors that put people at risk of hypertension . Gender , age heredity and race are factors that are difficult to control . As one's age increases one becomes more prone to hypertension . It has been noticed that women usually suffer from hypertension after their menopause . Hypertension risk factors can be controlled lots of things like exercise , diet control , less consumption of  salt in food , tables of blood pressure and also less consumption of alcohol and Smoking cigarettes etc .

Smoking is particularly bad for people who have blood pressure . Food allergy can also contribute to high blood pressure in some people . People with hypertension should be very careful in their diet supplements . Cutting down on salt and increasing foods rich in potassium such as nuts , pulses , dried apricots etc . It has been proved that high potassium intake can reduce blood pressure . Doctors and nutritionist say that calcium & magnesium , two minerals help in lowering blood pressure  . Apart from the diet and exercise and drugs that are quite common for hypertension , a person should try to adopt or do some relaxing exercises to control this hypertension of their . Hypertension can be controlled by simple exercises of yoga breathings , or deep breathings . Usually people suffering from hypertension do not think about this aspect or this from of relaxation . They are so preoccupied in the world of their own that they just make themselves dependent upon drugs . I have come across different people suffering from to whom I taught different breathings exercises and  relaxing exercises .

They started doing breathings regularly and today even sometimes if they forget to take their medicines they feel fit and happy . They found out that life is full of pleasurable and beautiful moments and that they have been wasting their life by having drugs and not realizing the importance of relaxation . Their sleeping pattern improved , their stamina for doing exercises also increased . Their life went through a process of change but a pleasurable change no doubt . 

Hypertension Articles, Articles About Hypertension, Hypertension Effect, Hypertension With Our Life, Blood Pressure, Hypertension Control, Hypertension Tools

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